Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Gf pie crust

 To my everlasting horror, I just checked the Bob's Red Mill Easy As Pie gf pie crust recipe to send to someone, and they'd changed the directions! 

I will grant that it will make a better pie crust, but it's no longer the simplest failsafe recipe I know. 

For the record (so I can both find it and point to it), here's the original. 

Actual easy as pie crust recipe (makes 1 crust):

  • ½ cup Butter cold
  • 1 ½ cups Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 4-6 Tbsp Milk cold

Preheat oven to 400. Cube or grate very cold butter. Mix with flour and salt until it resembles coarse meal, by hand, pastry cutter, or food processor. Add milk slowly while mixing until it forms a dough. 

Roll out two sheets of parchment paper. Place dough between parchment and roll out to 1/4", and slightly too big for the pie plate. Flip into your pie tin, line with parchment, and fill with pie weights*. If it is a filled pie, into the oven for 10 minutes before filling and dump out the weights, then fill and bake according to your recipe. If unfilled, them your dough needs 40 min or until golden.

This is one where I can hand it to a kitchen newbie and trust it will be fine. It also works Just Fine with wheat based flours, even though that's not my need. 

*Pie weights can be anything from a bag of dried beans to a bunch of ball bearings to the ceramic ones sold for purpose. The point is to mimic the weight of a filling with something that comes up to oven temp quickly and prevents giant bubbles in the bottom crust as the butter steams